
“We are gathered here today to honor those who have passed in the FlockMore’s High School shooting.” I stare, blankly, at the five caskets-trying not to remember what caused those students to end up there. My hands shake and sweat-eager to get away from this funeral. My mind fills up with the sound of a Ruger nine millimeter going off, the yelling of my peers as they try to escape the terror, and sirens of police cars ripping through the atmosphere. It does not stop and the memories keep coming back. The feeling of someone tapping on my shoulder wakes me back to reality. I turn around to see a tall man with gray sideburns standing behind me. “Excuse me, are you Jackson Clark?”

Swallowing hard before I respond with: “Yes sir, thats me.” I grip the belt loop on my white skinny jeans-terrified of what is to come. “Hello, I am Detective Charles McGee, didn’t  mean to startle you but I am afraid I am going to have to take you downtown for investigation.” My throat becomes dry and I sigh. “Alright, but I need to be home before nine.” Detective Charles nods and places his hand on my right shoulder blade-guiding me back to the car. I never thought that I would ever be in a cop car unless I was the one driving it. Being there was something I did not deserve but at the same time I did. Gazing out of the window-watching family members sob and moan over the ones that they lost. It all made me cringe from how much emotion could pour out of one event.

The car ride to the police station was abnormal. There was upbeat music, laughter, and even-eye contact through the rearview mirror. The average actions that you would never see in movies. The entertainment faded as we pulled into the parking lot and Detective Charles escorted me into the building. Before I could even sit,there was a strange looking woman with a badge on her hip taking my blood. “Wait, what is this for, can you at least start asking me questions first?” The woman squeezed my finger, tightly, drawing a drop of blood from my index. “It’s fine, just a couple of tests, nothing harmful.” Replied the woman with a lipstick stain across her two front teeth. “Just sit down in this chair and explain to me what went down at your school last Monday.” gestured Detective Charles. “Oh, by the way, you can just call me Charles-if thats better for you.”


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Post Author: dhonaadhi_editor

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